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Volunteer Roles and Descriptions
As a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, we rely on community members volunteering their time in order to run all of our events and programs. We need many volunteers to do all we do!
Please visit the volunteer page to see all open positions.
Thanks to all of our devoted PTSA Volunteers this year! We are looking for help filling in some roles in upcoming Spring Events - if you are available to take on one or more of these roles, please reach out to us! We would love to see some new faces helping and have lots of experienced team members to show you the ropes!
- Fun Run Chair/Assistant and TEAM
- Event Date: May 16th, 2:50pm
- Plans, executes and promotes our Spring fundraiser
- Leads event committee and coordinates event volunteers
- Attends "Managing your Nonprofit PTA" class
- Email Jenn Nitta at
- Movie Night Chair: We need a Movie Night Chair by March 14th or we will have to cancel this event!
- Event: April 11th, 7pm
- Select PTSA approved movie
- Advertise the event
- Arrange concessions
- Run projector at the event
- We are happy to help train you!!
- Email Jerika at
- Egg Drop Chair
- Date Pending: June 9th or 12th
- Confirm Event Date with Fire Department and School Admin (date requests have already been submitted to the City).
- Advertise the event and requirements
- Arrange logistics with school administration/fire department
- Coordinates event volunteers.
- We will train you!
- Email Jenn at
- Yearbook Team:
- Assist in collecting/taking photos for the yearbook and approving layout
- Assist in advertising and managing online sales
- Assist in distributing yearbooks
- Email Kristina Spooner at
- Staff Appreciation Week
- May 5th - 9th
- Coordinate events for each day of the week
- Email Jerika at
- 2025-2026 Board and Chair Positions
- 2025-2026 School Year
- Many positions will need to be filled, so we can help you find a position to fit our interests and availability!
- We will train and support you
- Email Crystal at or submit the form at the link below.
To view all openings and the description of all committees and chair positions as well as other open positions are on our Committees page.
How to sign up:
Login to see all current volunteer opportunities and sign up to help at a PTSA Event, express general interest or to express interest in a Board Member position.
Interested in a Board Position or Chair position? Sign up Here!
You can also email our Volunteer Director at for more information.
Volunteer requirements
Clara Barton PTSA follows all LWSD requirements for volunteering on the school premises. All volunteers in the school MUST be approved Lake Washington School District volunteers It's a fairly easy process but does take some time, so the earlier you start the better.
Lake Washington Volunteer Website and Application Form
Volunteer Roles & Descriptions
PTSA Board Members
Board Members have a variety of responsibilities. Based on feedback from Members and School Staff, the Board proposes the budget, event, and programs for the year. The Board then helps make sure Chairs and Committees have what they need to successfully execute their mission. Board Members attend meetings once a month.
PTSA Event Chairs
Take the lead in planning and coordinating an event! You will work with a team and have the support of our experienced volunteers and Board Members, so you're never on your own. Examples of this are the STEM Night co-chairs, Glow Party planners, and Movie Night Chair.
PTSA Committee Members
Not ready to take the lead, but want to help plan an event? Serve on a committee! You'll work with a great team and get to help plan awesome events such as Ice Cream Social, Movie Night, STEM Night, Fall Festival (the list goes on!). You could also volunteer to be on the Planning and Budget committee to plan for the next school year.
PTSA Event Volunteers
Volunteer for 1-3 hours at one of our events and perform a specific assigned task. Some examples are selling concessions at Bingo Night, running a bubble station at the Fun Run, setting up tables for STEM Night or taking pictures at an event for Yearbook.
Classroom Volunteers
Art Docent: The Art Docent program will continue as it has in the past. Lesson plans, materials, and a virtual or in-person training session will be provided. This is a great way to get to know your student's teacher and classmates. Students love art docent volunteers! No previous art training/experience is required.
Room Parent: Room Parents will work together to plan Fall, Valentine, and End of Year Celebrations for a class. The Fall celebration this year, for example, will be an all-school Fall Festival during the school day.
Teacher Production Assistant: Due to new Math/Science curriculum, teachers have requested extra help preparing classroom materials. Volunteers will work in the school office, other school work areas, or at home. Help support our teachers by providing essential behind-the-scenes support!
Field Trip Chaperone: Attend a field trip with the class to act as chaperone and/or serve as a driver (other conditions may apply)
Guest Speaker: Share your expertise with the classroom, this could include something cultural, technology related, or anything else discussed with your teacher host.
Upcoming Events
- Tuesday, March 25
- Wednesday, March 26
- Thursday, March 27
- Friday, March 28
- Saturday, March 29