Welcome all new Bobcats!!!


Kindergarten Play Date 11am Hartman Park

Saturday July 20th 



Greetings new Kindergarten families! We are SO excited that you will be joining us here at Clara Barton Elementary this coming fall.  We have a few things to tell you about our organization.  First a few to do list items ~


To do list:

  1. Sign up on our website so you can start receiving communications from the PTSA.
    • The Bobcat Bulletin comes out 1 to 2 times a month and is a wealth of information for families.
    • We'll create a group page for all new kinder parents so you can all start getting to know each other.
    • We'll also have a couple of kinder playdates this summer at the school so you can start connecting in person.
  2. Plan to join the PTSA membership in July, membership goes from July to the following June, we'll send out a ping when it's ready to purchase the new 24-25 membership.
  3. If you want to have the option of volunteering at the school, every parent who comes into contact with the kids needs to be approved through a quick background check with Lake Washington School District. This is a great thing to do this summer so you're ready to go in the fall.  It only takes about five minutes to fill out the application.
  4. Consider reaching out to the PTSA if you'd like to get involved. We have several co-chair or shadow positions where you can learn from a veteran, this is a great way to get to know people at the school - we have jobs big and small.
  5. Join the PTSA Facebook Page
  6. Consider buying some Spiritwear so your little Bobcat is ready to start school with gear all set. There is currently a spring sale on now.
  7. Mark your calendars for July 20th, 2024 - Clara Barton Elementary Kinder Meet Up/Play Date 11am to 1pm, bring a snack and meet some folks from the PTSA and other new kinders!  We've changed locations from the school playground to Hartman Park near Redmond Pool and across from Redmond High School due to a current issue being addressed regarding bees on the CBE playground.


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