Winter 2024 Before & After School Classes



Registration opens on December 9th at 10am



  1. You must have an PTSA login (available for free) on our website in order to access the registration materials
  2. Registration in before and after school classes GOES FAST, be prepared to commit and sign up as soon as possible for the greatest access to courses.
  3. We strongly recommend you consider testing out the system and becoming familiar with it before registration opens
  4. You'll find the registration link, when it opens under the "My Account" section of our website, but you will need to complete all the directory information first.
  5. Registration will open on Saturday, December, 9th at 10 am
  6. All parents/guardians are required to read and abide by the Policies and Procedures.
  7. This is where you fill find the information, AFTER you have completed the initial site registration, which you should do before December 9th.
  8. All parents/guardians must sign and complete the Student Release and Liability Wavier Form and have their child bring this to their first class. If they are in multiple classes we need one for each.


To register for classes (after creating your login) click: My Account in the top red bar as shown below and then go to "My Forms".


If this is your first time creating an login, you will need to set up your account and confirm your email address to complete set up before you will see the registration forms.


The form will only show up starting at 10 am on Dec 9th, 2024







Registration Tip - How to Save Money:  The processing fees are not included in the prices in the flyer.  If you have the ability to pay with an E-Check (electronic check) that will save you money.  The fees on an electronic check are a 1.5% or .50 cents (whichever is greater) whereas payment by credit card, like with most companies, will cost 2.79% + .30 cents on your total purchase. All you need to pay with an E-check is your bank routing number and bank account number. We strongly suggest you consider setting this up ahead of time with a small donation to the PTSA or something else on our site so it's ready to go when registration opens.


You can also save by volunteering as a chaperone for all 10 sessions. This is first come first serve. For details reach out to


The Clara Barton PTSA offers an Enrichment Program with classes that will help students to:

  • Grow in new areas and learn new skills
  • Connect with kids from other grades and classes
  • Build community with local and national education providers

Whether learning to play chess, learning new languages, art, karate, robotics, Hip Hop or Digital Art. We have a comprehensive before and after-school program to keep students positively engaged. We hope you find exciting, fun opportunities from PTSA for your student. Please read policies and procedures before registering.


Free need based scholarships are available by contacting school counselor Madison Lecompte at


Before registering, please note:

  • All classes are in person.
  • No afternoon enrichment classes during Conference Week.
  • Morning enrichment classes are on during Conference Week.
  • Morning classes are from 8:10-9:10. Afternoon classes are from 3:55-4:55. Wednesday afternoon classes are from 2:25-3:25.
  • Most classes run 10 weeks.
  • In case a class does not have a chaperone for all sessions, we request every participating family to sign up to chaperone for at least one class.

Ideas and help are always welcome!

Questions or feedback? Email




Winter 2024 Calendar 



AM or PM Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

Little Coders

Grades K-2



Grades K-5



Grades 2-5



Grades K-5

Mega Machines Robotics with Legos

Grades 3-5

Planes, Trains and Automobiles


Grades K-2



Grades 3-5


Hip Hop

Grades K-5

Leadership and Character Building

Grades 3-5


Grades K-5*



Grades K-5


Grades K-5




Please read the Enrichment Program Class Policies and Procedures for details on refund and cancelation policies, chaperoning, and additional terms and conditionsBy enrolling in before and after-school activity, you agree to the class policies and procedures.


Financial Assistance


  • Financial need-based scholarships may be available upon request. Please email school counselor, Madison Lecompte at
  • All student scholarship requests will be made directly to the school counselor, who will determine which students qualify.
  • By request, one Before or After School Enrichment Class per scholarship eligible student per enrichment semester may be sponsored as the Before/After School Classes budget allows.
  • A maximum of 1 spot per 10 registration spots available for enrichment classes may be held back for scholarship students.


Details for the Winter 2024 Class Lineup


Little Coders


Get them started early! Our Little Coders class offers young children the perfect opportunity to develop their computational thinking skills, create their first programs, and have a blast with their friends! Our curriculum is tailored specifically for early readers and takes into consideration their cognitive abilities and attention span, typically found in children aged 5-7. We utilize age-appropriate online tools, including Lightbot, Kodable, and Scratch, to introduce fundamental coding skills.


Beginner students learn essential coding concepts such as Loops and Conditions. Through practice, they apply these concepts to build simple projects, including games, stories, and even animated characters. Returning and experienced students encounter new challenges that will allow them to push their coding knowledge to the next level.


Grades K-2;
Fees $264 for 10 classes;
Day and dates Mon 8:10-9:10 AM,

Starts on 01/08 - ends 03/25

(No class Jan 15th and Feb 19th)




Hip Hop


Grades K-5;
Fees $214 for 10 classes;
Day and dates Mon 3:55-4:55 PM,

Starts 01/08 - ends 03/25

(No class Jan 15th and Feb 19th)


Get your kids afternoon off to a great start with some music and fun! Hip Hop is a high energy type of dance, originating from funk and street dance. The classes focus on different stylized techniques, rhythm, and isolations.


Teacher Information:


Originally from Redmond Washington, Natalie DuKane started training at an early age of 3. Continuing her love for dance she attended the University of Idaho in 2004 where she was a finalist at the 2008 American College Dance Festival for both performance and choreography.

Graduating in 2009 with a bachelor’s degree in Business Economics and Dance she has since been a guest instructor and competition judge throughout the Pacific Northwest including the Lionel Hampton Jazz Festival, American College Dance Festival and Technical Moves Dance Competition. Although familiar with many dance genres, Natalie’s classes focus on hip hop, contemporary/lyrical, jazz, and musical theater. She has a vast range of knowledge including recreational dance, studio competition, and concert dance. She is also versed Labanotation, the standard of historical dance notation.

Beyond dance, Natalie is active in the music industry and specializes in music marketing. Through her internet radio company she works with many retail chains from Spirit Halloween to Taco Bell, and various organizations including Warner Brothers Records, Universal Records, and Music Biz, formerly known as the Association for National Record and Merchants.





Grades K-5;

Fees $265  for 10 classes (Material Included);

Day and dates Tuesday 8:10 – 9:10 AM Starts Jan/9 - Mar/12


Dates:  Jan 9, Jan 16, Jan 23, Jan 30, Feb 6, Feb 13, Feb 20, Feb 27, Mar 5, Mar 12



Karate Students will learn and practice Karate skills with punching bags, breaking boards, blocking drills, kicking targets and more!  Karate-X has been teaching in the Puget Sound for 20 years, with a Martial Arts program specifically designed for preschool and elementary students.  Our professional instructors know how to motivate kids while building self-confidence and discipline. Belt rank testing is held at the end of each session, giving students goals to aim for and recognition of their accomplishments. Thousands of kids have enjoyed Karate-X classes, and yours will love it too!


Teacher Information:


Sensei Brendan Requa has been a top instructor with Karate-X for 8 years.  He is a natural at working with kids, and in the past 20 years has been a preschool teacher, sports coach, and para-educator.  He has a passion for seeing kids work through challenges to be the best they can be! Most importantly, he enjoys seeing kids have fun while learning Karate!


Institute Information:


Karate-X has been teaching extracurricular Martial Arts classes exclusively in private and public schools for over 20 years.  From the start our focus has been bringing quality Martial Arts instruction into schools, specializing in teaching students from 4 years old through 6th grade. Karate-X classes focus on all the traditional Martial Arts benefits parents care about – focus, discipline, challenge, and fun.





Grades 2-5;

Fees $150 for 9 classes;

Day and dates Tue 8:10 – 9:10 AM, starts 01/09 - ends 03/12

(No class Mar 5th due to teacher unavailability)


A unique opportunity for kids of all skill levels to learn cartooning from local cartoonist Jeff Johnson in a positive, encouraging classroom environment. Fun, challenging projects and character development with an emphasis on using one's own style. All materials are provided. Come join the fun!



Leadership and Character Building


Grades 3-5;

Fees  $265 for 10 classes;

Day and dates Tue 3:55-4:55 PM, starts 01/09 - ends 03/19

(No class Jan 23rd  due to conference week)


Best in Class Education – Redmond presents:


Early Leadership & Character-Building program


Childhood education and development forms the foundation for future. You can help your child acquire life skills of leadership and character-building early through our program.


Salient features are:


  1. Vocabulary enrichment: Learning new words for conciseness, and right usage and expression.
  2. Creative writing: Using imagination to express own personality and flair.
  3. Listening and Critical Thinking: Active listening - Information gathering, absorbing, and synthesizing. Reflecting and responding for compassionate leadership.
  4. Speaking: Confidence building through speaking.
  5. Reading – Having a perspective and opinion through the Book of the Month.


Instructor: Rachel Sherin

  • Accomplished English Language High School teacher
  • Endorsements K-8, Library, English Language Learning, History, ELA
  • Knowledge of Digital Photography, French, Gifted students, Technology





Grades K-5 (K level students upon space availability);
Fees  $440 for 15 classes (Material Included);
Day and dates Wed 2:25 – 3:25 PM Starts Feb/14- ends May/29


Dates: Feb 14, Feb 21, Feb 28, Mar 6, Mar 13, Mar 20, Mar 27, Apr 3, Apr 17, Apr 24, May 1, May 8, May 15, May 22, May 29


Come and join us in a bilingual, multicultural education which opens doors and minds to the world. Lessons are constructed around five elements for elementary: Total Physical Response activities, songs, games, crafts and culture. Groups are organized by language level and age for better interaction. Beginners/Intermediate welcome! We will have two sessions of 15 classes each, one from Oct- Feb and the second from Feb-Jun.


ROBOTICS with Legos



Planes, Trains & Automobiles (KG-2): 
In Snapology’s Planes, Trains, and Automobiles program, children will explore the world of transportation. Students will build models of their favorite forms of transportation as they learn about energy, wheels and axles, air resistance, and more.


Grades K-2;

Fees $235 for 10 classes; 

Day and dates Fri 8:10-9:10 AM, Starts on 01/5- ends 3/22


 Jan 5, Jan 12, Jan 19, Jan 26, Feb 2, Feb 9, Feb 23, Mar 1, Mar 15, Mar 22, snow day as Mar 29



Mega Machines Robotics (Grades 3-5):
In Snapology's Mega Machines class, your child will create some of their favorite motorized vehicles. Students will learn about gear ratio, sensors, pulleys, cranks, and programming as they build trucks, space rovers, helicopters, and much more. Your child is sure to have fun as they build, learn, and play.   


Grades 3-5;

Fees $245 for 10 classes; 

Day and dates Thurs 8:10-9:10 AM, Starts on 01/11- ends 03/21



Thu AM
 Jan 11, Jan 18, Jan 25, Feb 1, Feb 8, Feb 22, Feb 29, Mar 7, Mar 14, Mar 21, snow day as Mar 28



Choose from two options! Wed AM or Thursday PM


In this chess program students will practice learning with games against their peers, have a focused lesson and play fun variant chess games. In advanced classes, a simulated tournament will be organized. Any skill level is welcome.


Grades K-5;

Fees $165 for 10 classes;

Day and dates Wed 8:10-9:10 AM, Starts Jan/10 – ends Mar/13


Dates: Jan 10, Jan 17, Jan 24, Jan 31, Feb 7, Feb 14, Feb 21, Feb 28, Mar 6, Mar 13


Grades K-5;

Fees $165 for 10 classes;

Day and dates Thurs 3:55-4:55 PM, Starts Jan/11– ends Mar/28

No class Jan 25th due to conference week


Dates: Jan 11, Jan 18, Feb 1, Feb 8, Feb 22, Feb 29, Mar 7, Mar 14, Mar 21, Mar 28




Grades 3-5;

Free Class sponsored by Clara Barton PTSA. Suggested donation $10

Day and dates Fri 8:10 - 9:10 AM, Starts 1/12- ends May/17

Concert Dates – Mar 7th at RHS, May date TBD



Join the bobcat choir and sing with your friends every Friday morning. We will learn new music and songs, improve our singing technique, and have fun singing as an ensemble. Choir is a free enrichment program sponsored by the PTSA, is open to 3rd, 4th, and 5th grade students at Clara Barton, and is taught by music teacher Mrs. Torrey.



Art by CreART


Grades K-5;

Fees  $270 for 10 classes; Material Included.

Day and dates Friday 3:55 – 4:55 PM, Starts Jan/12- Apr/6

No class Jan 26th due to conference week


Dates: Jan 12, Jan 19, Feb 2, Feb 9, Feb 23, Mar 1, Mar 15, Mar 22, Mar 29, Apr 6



Sculpt, Paint, Sketch Draw - 2

This season, young artists will be sketching intricate sea creatures, experimenting with watercolors, and crafting mesmerizing Pop Art cubes that play with optical illusions. We'll also venture into the world of comic portraits and create charming heart wreaths. Using chalk and oil pastel techniques, we'll paint vibrant hippie buses and explore the world of charcoal window scenes. To add a tactile element, we'll craft clay fish tacos and collaborate on an engaging group abstract harmony project. Join us for a season brimming with art, imagination, and boundless fun!







Upcoming Events