Corporate Partnerships
Earn cash for Clara Barton! These organizations and businesses have graciously offered opportunities to lend their financial support to the Clara Barton PTSA at no additional cost to you. Check out these Clara Barton PTSA partnerships.
Share the news! Let grandparents, extended family, and friends know they can help us too.
Sign up for the Fred Meyer Community Rewards program that links your Shopper's Card to Clara Barton Elementary PTSA. Sign in to your Fred Meyer account and search for Clara Barton Elementary PTSA either by name or by NPO IH345. Easy!

Introducing a new way to support Clara Barton PTSA: Give with Bing. To try it, join Microsoft Rewards and Give with Bing. Once you join, your Bing searches will earn Rewards points that are automatically donated directly to PTSA. Join now and turn the Give Mode on for Clara Barton PTSA.

No more clipping! With the next-generation of box tops, each Box Top for Education earns Clara Barton 10¢, which adds up. Ka-ching!
- Option 1. The new Box Tops mobile app scans your store receipt, finds participating products, and instantly adds your Box Tops to Clara Barton's earnings online. Sign up for free here.
- Option 2. You may also participate when shopping at Safeway. Go here to register your Club Card and select Clara Barton as your school of choice. Then, buy participating products and earn cash for Clara Barton PTSA.
Check out other ways you can Support PTSA.
Questions? Contact the PTSA Fundraising VP at or Volunteers VP at
Upcoming Events
- Tuesday, March 25
- Wednesday, March 26
- Thursday, March 27
- Friday, March 28
- Saturday, March 29