Clara Barton Elementary PTSA

Committee and Chairs Job Descriptions 2024-25

5th Grade Promotion/Graduation Committee Lead  (OPEN)

  • Leads graduation committee. 
  • Coordinates decorations and refreshments within the allotted budget. 

After (and Before) School Class Committee (OPEN)

  • Assists with sign ups and registration details. 
  • Helps coordinate 1 PTSA volunteer per class period, including verifying background checks. 

Art Docent Program Committee Lead

*Leah Byskal and Jerika Cummings

  • Ensures each classroom has an art docent. 
  • Holds an initial training at the beginning of the year for docents. 
  • Manages the supplies for the program within allotted budget. 
  • Coordinates an art showcase as applicable. 

Awards Committee Lead


  • Leads the Awards Committee. 
  • Distributes and collects award nomination forms. 
  • Determines award winners. 
  • Facilitates awards event. 
  • Manages event within allotted budget. 

Book Fair Committee Lead

*Melissa Hellstrom

*Looking for Helper/Shadow position

  • Help coordinate volunteers to work Book Fair
  • Arrange for cash box and monitor during the week
  • Arrange for set up and take down volunteers


Concessions Committee Lead

*Renu Bhandari

  • Coordinates concessions sales during Family Events held at school such as Movie Night or Bingo Night 
  • Purchases snacks & water 
  • Coordinates volunteers to staff concessions sales 
  • Attends "Managing your Nonprofit PTA" class 


Emergency Preparedness Committee Chair


  • Inventory and manage emergency supplies at the school within the allotted budget. 
  • Attend LWPTSA Emergency Prep meeting. 
  • Communicate to school community through newsletter as needed. 


FACE (Family and Community Engagement) Committee 

*Dianne Lobo

*Chauncy Faulkner

  • Welcomes new families to Barton. 
  • Communicates with Barton Elementary community to evaluate if PTSA is relevant and meeting the needs of the community. 
  • Arranges parent meet and greets as appropriate. 
    • Two Kinder meet-ups during the summer
    • Two all school meet-ups during the summer


Event Chair(s)- one chair per event. 

  • Leads event committee. 
  • Plans and executes event within the allotted budget. 
  • Coordinates event volunteers. 
    • Bobcat Bingo Night: Katie Cheung and Claudia Bermudez
    • Egg Drop (OPEN)
    • Family Movie Night (OPEN)
    • First Day Back to School Coffee
    • Glow Dance Party: Ray and John Renard
    • Halloween School Parade and Stations (Fall Festival) Emily Lawless
    • Ice Cream Social (Jerika Cummings)  
    • Kindergarten Cheers and Tears Coffee: Chauncy and Ray Renard
    • Pacific Science Center Van (OPEN)
    • STEM Night (OPEN)

Newsletter Committee 

*Bharathi Kalluri and  (OPEN)

  • Organizes and delivers newsletter to the Barton community approximately 2x month

Reflections Art Contest Committee

*Ruchi Gupta &  (OPEN)

  • Publicizes annual art contest and provides forms. 
  • Collects artwork and ensures they are judged. 
  • Arranges a school-level display and advances qualifying art to the council level. 

Room Parent Committee Lead


  • Provides room parent training in the Fall and acts as a resource throughout the year.  
  • Communicates reminders to room parents of up coming events.  

School Theater Committee Lead


  • Coordinate all aspects of school musical with the principal. 
  • 1/8/24  1/18/24

School Theater Host Family (OPEN - NEED 3 FAMILIES)

  • Host family during the week for one of the theater directors

School Picture Day Committee Lead

  • Coordinates all aspects of picture day with vendor and school office. 
  • Coordinates volunteers for picture day.

Social Media Chair

*Jerika Cummings

  • Maintain our Social Media channels
  • Gather relevant local events to promote and advertise
  • Follow all guidelines for what can be posted


Special Needs Committee Lead 


  • Informs school community of special needs resources 
  • Organizes special needs awareness event. 
  • Arranges a family meet and greet. 

Staff Appreciation Week Committee Lead

*Emily Lawless & Jerika Cummings

  • Leads the Staff Appreciation Week Committee. 
  • Coordinates a fun staff appreciation week in May.
  • Manages event within allotted budget. 
  • Events for 24-25
    • Teacher Appreciation Luncheon 
    • Teacher Appreciation Luncheon 
    • Teacher Appreciation Cookie Party 
    • Teacher Appreciation Luncheon 
    • Teacher Appreciation Coffee Cart 
    • Staff Appreciation Week 

Vision and Hearing Screening Committee (OPEN)

  • Coordinates all aspects of vision and hearing screenings day. 
  • Coordinates volunteers for screenings day. 

Volunteer Database Chair


  • Chair will maintain a current report of committee chair openings/volunteer needs, post openings and recruit as needed. 
  • Chair will maintain volunteer database and verify background checks.  


*Chauncy Faulkner

  • Oversees all aspects of the PTSA website. 
  • Assists with back to school online packet. 

Yearbook Chair 


  • Leads yearbook committee 
  • Coordinates all aspects of compiling yearbook. 
  • Communicates with vendor. 
  • Advertises and facilitates sales of yearbook to school community. 
  • Manages expenses within allotted budget. 


Fundraising Chairs 

Bobcat Fund Chair 

Kristina Spooner

  • Plans, executes and promotes our back-to-school pass-the-hat fundraiser. 
  • Prepares first-day packet (ready for printing by mid-June) and first-day web pages (by mid-August), coordinating with first-day committee and webmaster. 
  • Attends “Managing your Nonprofit PTA” class 
  • Planning during summer, first-day packets assembled early August 

Corporate Partners Chair 


  • Facilitates corporate matching of monetary donations and volunteer hours 
  • Learns about various corporate policies, tools and timelines for matching 
  • Recruits team of employees from key area companies to serve as expert advisors on their employers 
  • Set up CBE PTSA as donation recipient with key companies (Microsoft, Google, etc.) and key tools (Benevity) 
  • Attends “Managing your Nonprofit PTA” class 
  • Planning during summer, wave of activity in September related to Bobcat Fund Drive, trickle of activity throughout rest of school year.  

Dining for Dollars Lead (Eats and Treats)


  • Find local restaurants to partner with for Dining for Dollars, at least 5/year, every other month
  • Submit article for bulletin announcements
  • Submit announcement for morning meeting by the school


Fun Run Committee Lead


  • Plans, executes and promotes our Spring fundraiser  
  • Leads event committee and coordinates event volunteers 
  • Attends "Managing your Nonprofit PTA" class 

Grant Writing Chair 


  • Identify grants that meet funding needs 
  • Write and submit grants by deadlines 
  • Attends "Managing your Nonprofit PTA" class 

Merchant Affiliate Chair 


  • Sets up and maintains CBE PTSA accounts with merchant partners such as: 
  •  Amazon Associates, Everything Party,, PCC Scrip Card, Bartell Drugs, Red Robin, Amazon Smile, Kellogg’s Family Rewards, Box Tops, Fred Meyer Community Rewards, etc. 
  • Promotes usage of merchant partners among parents, students and school community 
  • Links teacher wish lists and school supply lists to Amazon Associates account 
  • Coordinates school-wide box tops collection 2 times per year 
  • Attends "Managing your Nonprofit PTA" class 

School Pool Chair 

*Lauren Potter

  • Plans, executes and promotes Walk to School day in early October in conjunction with Redmond School Pool 
  • Finds ways to maximize the number of completed post cards returned to Redmond 
  • Attends "Managing your Nonprofit PTA" class 
  • Planning during summer, promotion mid to late September, event is usually first week of October

Spirit Wear Chair 

*Crystal Eney 

  • Designs and selects a vendor to produce spirit wear. 
  • Coordinates spirit wear sales 1-2 times per year. 
  • Attends "Managing your Nonprofit PTA" class 
  • Planning during summer, first sale to coincide with back-to-school activities (mid-August) 


Upcoming Events